A Butterfly's notes--- Topsy Turvy Life, Fun, Love, Relationships, Beauty, Women,Men, Food, Reality and money matters like forex trading and anything about Everything
Halla restaurant is located within the korean Town in Friendship, Balibago Angeles City. Halla offers Korean Cusine you'll surely love.
Korean food is not Korean when rice, noodles, tofu, vegetables and meat are missing. And Of course, the table will always be full of healthy appetizers.
Kimchi is a famous korean appetizer that I don't eat :p
My favorite is the "Bibimbap" or mixed rice. It is a bowl of rice topped with vegetables, spicy sauce, meat and fried or raw eggs. Price: P300
Samyupsal is a meat that looks like bacon which is eaten with these vegies, unfortunately I forgot to take pictures because the waitress took it and fried them. Price: P600
this is Doenjang (Tofu SoupSoup) Price: 200
When we ate at Halla, it was our first time to visit the restaurant. Our bil costs: P1630. We usually eat Korean food at Maharajah. And we think that Maharajah offers better korean food. _____________ Date first posted: May 1, 2010 (zzy's Diner)
My Father's NOT so favorite Restaurant is Fortune. In fact we eat here 2-3 times a month. When we have visitors we bring them here and when there's an occasion we celebrate it here or He buys food here and bring it to family gatherings.XD Since we're a regular customer we get discounts =)
Fortune is located along MacArthurHi-way (Diamond Subdivision) Abgeles City. It is basically a Chinese Restaurant what I don't understand is that they placed Hong Kong in their logo where in fact not a single food tastes like its from Hong Kong. Because It tastes good unlike in Hong Kong. Fortune is definitely one of the best restaurants in Angeles City. It was establish long time ago, many restaurants already tried to compete with it but only this restaurant manage to last long. If you want to visit this restaurant, your budget should range from 3,000-P5,000 (5 persons)
Swahe: P350 This is our usual appetizer. I forgot to take photo of the whole plate of Swahe, It was gone before I know. So I took a photo of my plate instead. Swahe is a fresh steamed shrimp which tastes sweet and really good
Yang Chao P350-500 available in small, medium and large What is asian cusine without the rice. For me,Fortune's Yang Chao is the best!
Steamed Lapu-Lapu: P500-700 (depends how much the fish weighs) This Dish was never forgotten. It's my father's not so favorite dish.hehe Well it really tastes good. It's their best dish.
Spicy Crab: 500- 700 (Depends on how much it weighs)
Broccoli: P550
Pata Tim: P700
My favorite beverage Four Seasons: P150
See ya on my next post =)
____________________ Date first posted: May 12, 2010 (Zzy's Diner)
Japanese food is our family's favorite! Although it is expensive, it has become our comfort food. Japanese food is healthy unlike Chinese. Japanese are even known for having long lives because a lot of them could reach the age of 100. Their secret???-- The food they eat. Japanese cuisine offers a very large variety of dishes. And I love all of them =)
Niji is our favorite favorite Japanese Restaurant. Aside from our 10% discount we have for being a regular customer It hasthe best Japanese food in town. It is located in Friendship, Angeles City.This restaurant has 4 sections. The Dining area, Sushi Bar, Yakiniku, Tepanyaki corner. The section that will be featured in this post is the Yakiniku Corner.
Tepanyaki is a style of japanese cusine that uses an iron griddle to cook food. In Japan, teppanyaki refers to dishes cooked using an iron plate including steak, shrimp, yakisoba, monjayaki, okonomiyaki.
Yakiniku Squid: P165
Yakiniku liver: P 135
Ebi Tempura: 310 Tempura is a popular Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried. It's one of my favorite Japanese food.
Sashimi Take moriawase-P850 Sashimi is a Japanese delicacy primarily consisting of very fresh raw seafood, sliced into thin pieces and served with only a dipping sauce (soy sauce with wasabi paste or other condiments such as grated fresh ginger, or ponzu), depending on the fish, and simple garnishes such as shiso and shredded daikon radish. Again it's one of my favorites.
Miso Soup :P50 - the best soup ever. For me it's better than Chinese soup.
California Rainbow Maki- P190 Sashimi is cooked vinegared rice that is commonly topped with other ingredients, such as fish or other seafood. I can live without tempura, Sashimi but not without Sushi. It's my favorite. The best food ever created on earth.
Is your mouth watering now? Me too. Making this blog made me wanna come back there again. There were four of us and our bill totaled P2005 (10% discount not included) If you do pass by that restaurant Pls share your stories with me. Next time I will feature Tepanyaki Corner. I don't have enough photos in that corner because the last time we went there my camera ran out of batteries. ___________________________ Date first Posted: May 21, 2010 (zzy's Diner)
Have you ever doubted that there is God? I have. I hope that after reading this statement I can still get out of the house without being showered by rotten tomatoes. Remember the Beatles saying something like "We are bigger than Jesus"? Why would they say something like that? Because they're stupid? I don't think so. I just think that they were in the moment of their life when they realize that He doesn't exist because they can't feel his presence because of their fame. I've been through that and this might sound preposterous. I guess that most of us will eventually stumble upon the truth of life. So let me tell you about my story.
Just Before September 6, 2003 I can say that I am 90% happy about my life. I'm rich with friends, I do good in school, I'm becoming a little popular in my school because of my talent in dancing. My love for dancing is like a love for my life. It makes me feel alive. And of course I love music as much as I love dancing. I believe that one is essential with the other. And so I learned how to play the piano and drums. And I'm even planning to have lessons in guitar and violin. Aside from these, my family doesn't have much problem in money. I can get around 80% of what I want. I was only 15 then and I've got loads of suitors. But I'm young and quite an experience digger. And much as possible I want to experience a lot of things. I even wanted to be a part of a musical theater play. I'm not an excellent singer but I can sing well enough. And I'm good in acting to. As you can see I love performing arts and I'm quite busy with my life. And all these things make me happy.
In a snap of God's fingers. It was all gone. In the morning of September 7, 2003 I was rushed in a hospital because of brain stroke. I almost died of hemorrhage in my brain. And when I woke up. I was already paralyzed. I couldn't move my left part of the body. I'm so weak. I couldn't walk, my head is pounding, I couldn't dance anymore, I can never play piano and drums again, I'm stuck in the ICU. My parents had the biggest problem in money because of me. They have to sell our van just to pay our debts in the hospital. I was in the hospital for almost a month. Imagine how much money we needed. They wanted me to stop from going to school for a until such time that I can walk again. But I didn't want to stop from going to school. Making me stop from going to school is like taking away a part of my life.
I cried so hard. That night I prayed to God "Lord please give me the strength to walk again, make me move my left leg again. Please. I'll come back to school when I'm able to use the cane." The next morning, my therapist was surprised that I was able to move my left leg. It was a miracle. Then I learned to walk again. I went back to school but I failed my 2 subjects. This is the first time I had a failing grade. In order to pass my junior year, I had to struggle for my grades. I missed a lot of days in school. And while working extra hard for my grades I had to attend my therapy sessions. Imagine me so weak, my left hand is stiff, couldn't even use it and my left feet is struggling to maintain balance.
I asked Him what is taking him so long to make me come back to my normal state.I cried again. I cried for days, weeks and months. I was so stressed. My Stress has turned into distress and depression. Then another problem came when my I started losing my hair. I had an alopecia. I think that I'm slowly decaying. and so I started asking, where is God? is he busy watching over Iraq or he doesn't really exist. If he really existed he wouldn't let these things happen to me. The God that I knew will not let His child suffer. I'm only 15, why do I have this kind of problems? I cried everyday, I even thought of ending my life.
I was so mad at him. I was even cursing God. I lost my faith. I'm mad about everything. I was convince that there is no God.But as I struggle for my survival, Little by little I was learning to live with my new life. I passed my Junior year, In my senior year I fell in love. I was happy again. Then I suddenly realized that why do I whine so much? I'm still very lucky despite of what happened to me. How many people survive brain stroke? My life was extended for 5 years. And in this 5 years I guess I have done a lot. I've read so many books, I've watch so many movies, I met so many people, I laughed, cried, shouted for joy for a thousand times, ate so many delicious foods, fell in love, learned million things about life, prove myself to everyone that I can reach for my dreams and there's a lot out there that I haven't done. And their on my list. I have evolved into a stronger person, I'm about to graduate, my dreams are bigger and my life is getting better. I found God again. When I thought that he was busy watching over Iraq, I didn't realized that he was behind me. pushing me through my limits. People were awed about my will to do things. Now I know why I was able to survive life.
I think that God has shifted my path to the right one because I was being lead to the wrong one. If I didn't got sick maybe I was in a Nursing Course, then maybe I will regret that I was there. Maybe I'm a pregnant little teenager If I didn't got sick because of the influence of my fickle friends. I realize that true friends will stick to you, no matter how much problems you've got and fickle ones will just ignore you when you have nothing to do with them. I'm a better person now. I have discovered another talent I used to ignore before. I enjoy writing so much.My Family is happy settled in a new home. We are complete. Its my grandma's birthday today and I'm so happy that my grandparents are still alive.
Even though I couldn't dance and perform on stage and play musical instruments anymore, I still feel very lucky. Maybe Jesus Christ talked to me when I was about to die and I begged him to ask the father to extend my life in exchange of anything that's why I'm still here. I will never forget the piercing light I saw in my dying moment. I wasn't sure if it was the sun. All I know is that I have cheated death once, and so everyday is now a gift.
(Full surrender requires obeying God, humbling yourself before Him and acknowledging His authority in your life. So whatever happens to you, either good or bad, surrender as you say "It is the Lord. Let Him do what seems good to Him. Samuel 3:18 "
I am nothing without Christ.
-Krizzy Gayle Martinez
This is my firts post in blogger in my glimpse of faith blog. Date: Wednesday. December 23, 2008
Here I am sitting in the corner Can't believe you told me it's over I know that I still love you baby And now I think I'm going crazy
I think I'll be stuck here forever Without you for me life is over Don't want you to see me like this But I'll stay here and wait for your kiss
Iknow that hope will never leave me I'll prove my love for you you'll see Come back to me I'll make you happy It's true that I still love you baby
** This was written last December 11, 2007 I guess I was always on the mood to write poems at that time. I was reading a lot of books and when I get inspired I write.
Here It comes I can smell it, I felt my heart lit Coldness on my feet, and I know this would be it Dark clouds are setting in, it’s about to pour in It’s going to win over the sunlight you’re wishin’
Staring out of the window, watching the wind blow I know this would take for hours, so just say hello I can see the trees sway, I love the way they play Children make it go away, I want it to stay
The sound is like music, I love to hear the flick Let us sing and dance with its music, stand up quick! Rain drops falling on our head, enough of teardrops Laugh till you drop, and you’ll never feel that life flops
I love the rain, ‘cause it washes away my pain Don’t be in vain; you’ll love the romance of the rain I think they’re god’s tears; he’s washing away my fears And why hate it my dear? It won’t cause you a sear
I have received a terrible news in facebook about greedy people governing us. I'd like to share this with everyone and hope this message will reach all flipinos specially those who have the power to stop this.
From: Ren International To: GEORGE NERVEZ Sent: Fri, April 16, 2010 7:12:22 AM Subject:
This is a forwarded message: The Financial Analyst of World Bank would like to inform each and everyone of you that the present currency exchange rate of US Dollar to Peso is actually $1 = P52. Your government is manipulating the exchange rate for some years now. It is very much improbable and impossible that the Philippine Peso is appreciating compare to Euro, British Pound, Rials, and any other foreign currency. Even your ASEAN neighboring countries are suffering from the Global Crisis. Singapore , a developed country is affected by depreciation of their currency what more of your country? We admire you for your hard work but we also pity you for having such a very corrupt government that is taking advantage of your hard earned money. The ARROYO ADMINISTRATION is blatantly milking each and every OFW's all over the world of billions of pesos for its own greedy, selfish ends. Investigations reveal that this milked money from OFWs will be spent to BRIBE not only PGMA's pet CROCODILES in CONGRESS but some in the SENATE as well for her to PERPETUATE IN POWER BEYOND 2010. The rest would be deposited to the family's SECRET ACCOUNT in Switzerland . Another money-making scheme is the LOTTERY DRAWS. Filipinos should be aware that all LOTTO DRAWS are orchestrated, and big money goes to the two sons of the lady president. Recent example is the SUPER LOTTO 6/49 draw, where supposedly two individuals from Luzon won. Do you know WHO these individuals are? It's Mikey and Datu, who else? One might ask how can the draw be rigged when it is being televised in front of millions of viewers. The answer is simple. As you all know, all bet combinations are being entered into PCSO's main data base as it is on-line, therefore, it is easy to determine which combinations were NOT betted upon. If they want to raise big money, no winners will be declared until the JACKPOT reaches sky-high because they could dictate the outcome at will. When it's "HARVEST TIME", viola, there would be "winner or winners" and the process repeats all over again. One might ask how this is being done. One insider told our investigators that actually the "DRAWN BALLS", six balls to be exact, are the only set which could fit into the transparent tube which sucks the balls up. All others are slightly bigger than the diameter of the tube which could not be distinguished by the viewers, therefore, there's no way they could be drawn! You Filipinos are being skinned alive, fried in your own fat and lard by your own government. Do you ever wonder why president-elect BARACK OBAMA, avoids your president like a stinking leper? -World Bank- KINDLY PASS THIS MESSAGE TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS UNTIL IT REACHES MILLIONS OF FILIPINOS AROUND THE GLOBE.
This is a poem I've written and gave Patrick on our first month. Hope You guys like it.. =)
Dear my Life, happy monthsary Today, I ‘m so happy you are with me I hope you are too, cause if you’re in blue I will paint your day a colorful hue
Thank you for everything you did for me You know that I’ll do anything for thee I know you care, and now I feel like snared But it’s ok because it feels so fair
You came and broke down the walls around me Now nothing surrounds me and I am free You keep me from my fears and wipe my tears I want to be with you for thousand years
Baby, I’ve never felt like this before And you know it feels so right Mi Amor I know I’m naked and you can see through I can’t hide, you made me trust. Yes it’s true
Hey! I want to be with you every night I hope I am not squeezing you too tight I promise that I’ll never let you go, I’ll be all that you want just don’t let go
I am sorry that I screw up sometimes I hope and know you understand my crimes I’m not perfect but I’m happy like this Promise, I won’t let you fall to pieces
This is a valentine/monthsary gift I made for my boyfriend. I love him so much and I like the world to know how much I love him :)
100 reasons why I love you
1.God sent you to me when I prayed for you.
2.When you said that you will be the sweetest guy I met, you have proven me many times that you are, more than you can count.
3.The first time we snog, you have unbelievably beat the feeling of my “first kiss”
4.I love it so much when you become so cheesy
5.You’re more humorous than me.
6.You dazzle me with your smile
7.You treat me exactly how I want to be treated by a man
8.You made me trust you so much.
9.You made me believe that there is still a man alive in this world that could be faithful.
10.Even if you pissed me sometimes, I can’t help swallow my pride and run to you and hug you tight and ask for forgiveness.
11.I love it when you’re jealous
12.Because of you, I believed in “forever” again.
13.With you I can be “me”—without pretentions.
14.You are not hard to please.
15.It’s not hard to love you, I love every single thing about you
16.I’m not perfect but I know that you love me.
17.Your advices are very helpful in every way.
18.Even if we just started dating, you already won my friends and family’s heart.
19.You know whatever I want and whatever I need.
20.Like the all the men in this world, you are not an egoist just like the billion others.
21.I would never give up our blissful “1 year” for a 5-year disaster.
22.You actually know where my funny bone is.
23.You make me feel proud to be your girl.
24.I love it when you say that you’re proud of me.
25.With you I don’t need to be perfectly beautiful just to please you.
26.I’m not a goddess of beauty but you make me feel like one.
27.You’re “goodness” is innate.
28.Hearing your name makes me smile.
29.The sound of your voice is music to my ears
30.I was broken when you met me, but you have incredibly banished the pain that I’m feeling.
31.You make me feel like I’m Isabella Swan and you are my own Edward Cullen.
32.Someday I want to see you go down on one knee and ask me the question that every girl would die to hear and answer.
33.With you, I am willing to give up everything.
34.The bond forged between us, was not one that could be broken by time, distance or even anyone.
35.You areLoleng my Labs
36.When you’re gone, I would not be able to live through that
37.And when I’m gone, I know that you would not able to live through that too.
38.You are my lover and best friend at the same time.
39.Even when we’re apart, the thought of you makes me smile.
40.When you call me “puset”, it’s weird by I honestly like it.
41.You’re definitely intelligent.
42.You’re family are very amiable. And I love them as much as I love you.
43.Sometimes I think that I’m not even worth the love you’re giving me, but you never stopped loving me.
44.You have built my world better than before
45.I melt, whenever you hug me
46.Your touch is special.
47.I know that thousand other girls are very jealous because I’ve got you.
48.You’re eyes are beautiful.
49.You are my rising sun.
50.You appreciate me in every way.
51.You never took me for granted.
52.I love it when you tell the world that you’re mine and I belong to you.
53.You treat me like I’m a princess.
54.You’re so much braver than I gave you credit for.
55.You’re love is thick and it swallowed me whole.
56.You are the bearer of unconditional things.
57.You held your breath and the door for me. This means you’re the most gentle man I’ve ever met.
58.I’ve never felt this happy before.
59.You made me trust you even if you were just a complete stranger before.
60.Everything fell into place when you stepped in my life.
61.When you leave and go home, I miss you immediately.
62.You’re my starfish.
63.All the pain and tears I cried, still you never said goodbye, and now I know, how far you go.
64.You keep me from falling apart.
65.You’re the one thing I got right.
66.I can never ever leave without you.
67.You are my life now.
68.You broke down the wall that surrounds me.
69.You see right through me, and I can’t hide whatever from you.
70.Never had someone like you.
71.I’m willing to do anything for you.
72.I know that someday we’ll make it through
73.You’re so good to me.
74.I want to stay with you forever.
75.I’ll do my best to make all the pain you’re feeling go away
76.I know how much you love your family and it portrays how much you’re going to love your own family.
77.Right now, you’re the focal point of my world.
78.No one else in this world would ever have one tenth or even one hundredth of the love you hold for me. Yes, even my exes.
79.I understand what you’ve been through, and I am willing to exert effort to wipe your tears away.
80.I am overwhelmed with the warmth of love you made me feel.
81.You taught me how to love not only you, but also myself.
82.I am willing to walk a thousand miles just to see you.
83.You brought luck in my life
84.Sometimes you are easy to read, you’re thoughts are like printed on your forehead.
85.I love it when you massage my body whenever I ask you to do it for me.
86.No guy has ever done what you did when you took care of me when I was sick.
87.You’re a part of my dreams
88.You’re not just an option, never just a choice and forever and will always be the one.
89.You’re my happiness
90.I love it when you fix my hair or fix the powder on my face.
91.I love it when you sing and dance for me.
92.I love it when you tell me that I’m part of your dreams
93.You have taken away my bitterness.
94.I love the way it feels like when you’re telling me that I’m the only one who blows your mind.
95.It seems like the whole world stops to listen when you tell me you’re in love.
96.Never in my whole life, I heard words as beautiful as the words you utter to me.
97.Sometimes I even try to be perfect for you, because you are worth it.
98.I want to be with you every day and every night for the rest of our lives.
99.There’s nothing I could say to you, nothing I could ever do, to make you see, what you mean to me.
100. This may be the last, but it doesn’t mean I ran out of reasons to love you. I have given you hundred reasons but actually I can give you an endless list why I love you. Honestly, I don’t know why. It is actually absurd to find out why coz it’s impossible. I love you longer than long has been, I love you more than more can be, I love you ten times infinity.